We've all heard about the gut/brain connection. Let's dig a little deeper into what this really means and how it effects us on a daily basis.
I'm going to tell you how taking care of your gut health and drinking matcha tea can play a major role in supporting a more positive mood while reducing feelings of anxiety.
You will feel more resilient on your busiest days and it will help you have a healthier response to daily stress.
Plus, you'll get actionable steps you can implement right now to experience more emotional control and increase mental sharpness each day.
Read on to feel happy, peaceful and productive all day...
Food matters: How the food we eat effects our mood
Our gut is the major producer of neurotransmitters - the chemical messengers that send signals to our brain that control how we function. Two of the major neurotransmitters are dopamine and serotonin.
Dopamine is the "pleasure reward" molecule in our brain - it keeps us motivated and focused to overcome challenges and achieve goals.
It also allows us to feel reward and pleasure once we succeed.
Without dopamine, we wouldn’t ever feel satisfied. One way in which dopamine is produced is by the amino acids in the foods we eat. When dopamine function is impaired, we experience depression, social anxiety and difficulty focusing.
Serotonin is known as the "feel good" molecule because it plays such an important role in our emotions - directly impacting feelings of well being, positive mood, libido and social behavior.
It's produced in the intestines, not the brain.
And when we don't have enough serotonin - we experience depression, anxiety and have difficulty falling asleep.
Here's how you take control of your mood, emotions and focus starting today with the foods you eat. (do this first)
You attack it from 3 fronts - first begin to eat a nutrient dense diet, next you'll want to maximize “good” bacteria and gut health, and then make the switch to ceremonial grade matcha tea for your daily caffeine drink.
1. Eat a nutrient dense diet
A nutrient dense diet contains whole, minimally processed, real food. It's often called "eating the rainbow" because a variety of colors means a variety of nutrients and fiber types on one plate.
You can also eat this way by following a mantra of: Fresh. Local. Seasonal.
Either way, you'll get major benefits that can improve your overall energy and mood each day.
a real food diet is full of amino acids, vitamins and minerals: the nutrients you need to produce the "feel good" neurotransmitters in the brain.
high in beneficial fiber, a real food diet allows "good" bacteria in the intestines to flourish and promote balanced neurotransmitter production.
real food is anti-inflammatory by default which strengthens the gut lining and maximizes nutrient absorption from the foods you eat.
this diet typically provides higher amounts of omega 3’s to support cognitive function for more focus and less inflammation that causes mood disorders.
The opposite is SAD (standard American diet) characterized by artificial ingredients, processed carbohydrates and refined sugar.
this diet is nutrient poor and lacks the building blocks for sufficient neurotransmitter production.
the refined sugars and carbohydrates cause inflammation in the gut - it becomes “leaky” and nutrient absorption is poor.
artificial ingredients alter your gut bugs - killing off good bacteria and allowing bad bugs to flourish - further disrupting the delicate neurotransmitter balance that starts in the intestines.
processed foods include high amounts of foreign chemicals and heavy metals toxic to the body - this interrupts signals to the brain and is a major cause of “brain fog.”
the processed carbs/added sugar spike blood sugar levels and causes energy dips, mood swings, irritability, and an overall lack of emotional stability.
2. Heal your gut and allow good bacteria to flourish
To make sure you protect the lining and function of the gut, be sure and include a marine collagen protein in your diet. Add it to smoothies or coffee.
MCT oil or Coconut Oil also plays a role in repairing the gut lining and reducing inflammation. Add this smoothies, or use it when cooking real food meals.
Once you’re eating a nutrient dense real food diet, it's time to maximize your beneficial gut bacteria and improve your microbiome.
Eat probiotic rich foods like sauerkraut, raw dairy or drink Kombucha.
You can also eat a variety of vegetables and fruits that provide multiple types of fiber that feed the good bacteria and allow it to flourish.
Take a high quality probiotic supplement if needed.
3. Make the swap to matcha tea
Imagine having unstoppable energy without feelings of anxiety or a crash?
That's just one of the major benefits of matcha tea.
If you've been wondering how you can get a boost that will make you feel really good then you'll love the way you feel on matcha.
First off, no other tea has more L-theanine than matcha.
L-theanine works to increase both dopamine and serotonin, the two feel good hormones mentioned above.
It also increases GABA, a neurotransmitter that produces a calm feeling. GABA is also a chief chemical in the brain for relieving anxiety while helping us feel less stressed.
So when you want to produce all the "feel good chemicals" in the brain naturally, a premium matcha tea could be just what you need.
It's also known that naturally occurring, high amounts of L-theanine in matcha promote the production of alpha brain waves. In this brain state, we're calm and relaxed.
It's also been shown by neuroscientists that more alpha waves reduce the symptoms of depression.
...and if you've ever taken some time in your day to reflect or meditate - you were likely producing elevated alpha brain waves.
Basically, you get a moderate caffeine boost from the matcha tea but due to its unique plant power, you feel remarkably alert yet relaxed.
No anxiety spike.
You just feel really good.
This is why matcha tea is know for pure, clean energy that also supports a more positive mood.
But this little known matcha benefit can do even more to elevate your mood...
The fact that matcha is less caffeine significantly reduces your perception of stress through out the day. When we're less stressed, we show up less reactive, we're more patient, and we feel our best.
After all, caffeine does signal an adrenaline response that puts us into fight or flight mode. It's why most caffeine energy drinks and even coffee trigger anxiety.
But you know how we talked about gut health? Too much caffeine, consumed too frequently, is like constantly running from a tiger.
The chronically elevated stress from guzzling too much coffee or energy drinks can significantly increase stress. Over time, this elevated stress response degrades the lining of the gut.
(It's why the 4 pillars or health are often referred to as Food, Movement, Sleep, and Stress Management.)
By going lower on caffeine with something like matcha tea, you'll promote a healthier gut. Any time we improve gut health, you get better absorption of all the vitamins and minerals you're getting from your nutrient dense diet.
So when you lower the caffeine amount, you lower your stress.
With less stress, you'll have a healthier gut lining.
The healthier the gut lining, the more nutrients you'll get from your foods and the better your microbiome health becomes.
Why You'll Feel Really Good
This three-pronged approach is everything the body needs for emotional resilience.
It's how we can produce all the beneficial neurotransmitters we need to feel good, stress less, and experience a greater sense of well-being.
A healthy lifestyle and food plan with a plant powered energy booster like matcha added to your daily routine can truly be a life changing, positive energy transformation.
Ready to try matcha tea in your daily routine? Head on over to drinkmoontower.com and shop for your favorite flavor TODAY!